Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My Personal Top 10 - Online Time Wasters

Feelin guilt over *not* posting a darn thing - so here's a quicky for today:

  1. Slashdot - for those times you just haven't met your quota for messageboard angst and diatribe

  2. Pajiba - movie reviews with attitude

  3. CNN.com - for, like, the news and stuff

  4. [H]ard|OCP - tech news for the techie-minded

  5. Groklaw - if you haven't heard about SCO's lawsuit against the world by now, this one will be meaningless

  6. Tiger Direct - one of the depressingly few online stores that will actually ship to Bermuda

  7. Least I Could Do - doesn't occupy too much time, but there's always a new comic, 6 days a week

  8. Poplicks.com - infinitely cool, if you can relate

  9. Gamespy.com - cuz I like games. I like games a lot

  10. My Website - cuz I'm so sexy


Blogger A. D. Thinker said...

What, no cnet.com or youtube? you GOTTA check out msdewey.com if you are looking to kill a few minutes! :-)

10/26/2006 10:07 PM  

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