Top Ten Explanations for the Island on "Lost"
10. It's the place where unknown actors go to retire...
9. Oceanic 815 was loaded with passengers who lost luggage on previous flights - and they ended up where all the missing baggage goes...
8. Matthew Fox heard that there was a place where he could have dinner with a "Party of Five"...
7. Dominic Monaghan thought the Island was off the coast of Middle Earth...
6. It's the ancestral home of the Death Eaters and the Nazgul...the Smoke Monster is their long-lost cousin, Larry...
5. It's the runner-up to all the other islands that have hosted "Survivor"...Richard Hatch was an 'Other'...
4. It's the Island that Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton sang about in that know the one...
3. It's where Doctor Moreau used to live...
2. On that tree where Eko's brother's plane crashed is carved: "Gilligan was here"...
1. It's not an island at's the DMV!!!
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