Saturday, November 18, 2006

My Personal Top 10 -- "Non-Technical" Innovations

Like lots of people, I celebrate the ongoing advance of technology, but I'm always frustrated by people who equate 'technology' with 'computers'. Sure, the computer is an incredible technological advance, allowing people to solve problems, process data, send instant messages, and audition for Dateline, but what about the other inventions that have made our lives easier? Here are my top ten 'non-technical' advances.

1. The Twist-Tie -- simple, effective, transferable...seals up a loaf of bread or a bag of trash without a second thought. Finally, a kitchen tool that doesn't discriminate!

2. The Butterfly Corkscrew -- who knew that pulleys could look like gears?

3. The Zipper-Close Bag -- two steps beyond the twist-tie, with no fear of infringing on some other company's trademark.

4. The Jet Engine -- yeah, the internal combustion engine was a big deal, but did it help cars reach escape velocity?

5. The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope -- because 'oscilloscope' is fun to say.

6. The Snorkel -- how the 'Man from Atlanta' breathes underwater.

7. The Microwave -- the cleanest, fastest way to heat up or melt food; strong enough for a kitchen, but made for a bachelor pad.

8. The Answering Machine -- in a world before Caller ID, screening with your answering machine was THE way to avoid talking to the girl you just broke up with.

9. The Ball-Point Pen -- because fountain pens don't fit into pocket protectors.

10. The Straw -- an incredibly versatile bi-directional delivery system. Liquids go up, spitballs go out.